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  • @Zoe

  • No reason

    May be an image of text that says 'I would call the cops but I can't see the reason'

  • @Gerry1of1

    I don’t see my wife & kids anymore. It’s all due to gambling.
    I won the lottery and I moved to Hawai’i

  • @Petras01582

    “The best way to a mans heart is through his stomach.”
    The surgeon was fired later that day.

  • @LaTommysfan

    I was so poor as a child that
    If I didn’t wake up with a hard on on Christmas Day I didn’t have anything to play with.

  • @maskedRodent

    After my wife heard about “A woman’s right to shoes,” she went out and bought 12 new pairs.

  • Honesty

    No officer these drugs aren’t mine, I stole them.

  • @supernurse

    Always proofread to make sure you don’t any words out.

  • @Jeep

    People always say, let me be Frank, I want to know who this guy is and what makes him so special…

  • @Sean_0510

    Saw my doctor today and showed him the bleeding coming out of my ass.
    He completely ignored me, and carried on pushing his shopping basket into Walmart