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  • @LM

    Nectarines were grown by people who got tired of shaving peaches.

  • @muratzel

    Marx said that “Religion is the opium of the masses” suggesting that the people need better drugs.

  • @Futuramoist

    Studies show non-smokers have an increased risk of dying of old age

  • @Remote_

    What’s the difference between a politician and a prostitute?

    There’s a difference?

  • @ChrisNewton

    My wife said It’s final we’re going to my mother’s Halloween party whether you like it or not. So you better decide what you’re going to be.

    I said Fucking pissed.

  • Winner

    My pal asked me, “How much do you spend on a bottle of wine?”

    I said, “Ooooh, about 15 minutes.”



  • Are you hear me?

    A man is convinced is wife is going deaf, but she won’t admit it. So he decides to test his theory once and for all.

    While she’s standing at the sink, he stands about six steps behind her and says, “What’s for dinner, dear?”

    When there’s no answer, he steps a few steps closer and repeats the question.

    Again there’s no response, so he moves right to his wife’s shoulder and asks: “What’s for dinner, dear?”

    At this his wife turns around angrily and says, “For the third time, sausages!”

  • Last chance

    Man: Do you want to have dinner with me at Saturday night?

    Girl: Actually, I am getting married on Saturday

    Man: hmmm…. Friday night then?!

  • @ChrisNewton

    I just overheard my girlfriend telling her sister that she’s taking her retarded boyfriend to the pub tonight.
    I can’t believe the bitch is cheating on me.

  • Undo

    What should Ukrainian soldiers paint on captured Russian tanks?
