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  • incident

    What happened when the blonde tried to give her boyfriend a blow job while he was driving?
    They both fell off the motorcycle.

  • Question

    Why is it so hard to find a woman who loves me for me and not the person I lied and manipulated her into thinking I am?

  • Wurst

    Oktoberfest brings out the wurst in people.

  • reverse

    Philosophy of marriage :
    At the beginning,
    every wife treats her husband as GOD..
    Later, somehow don’t know why.. alphabets get reversed.

  • working

    His girlfriend left him a note on the fridge. “It’s not working, I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to my Mother’s house.”
    He opened the fridge. The light came on, the beer was cold… “What the hell is she talking about?”

  • break the rule

    Today, I was cleaning the garage and found our old christmas lights. I noticed that the label said “for indoor and outdoor use only”. I’m still wondering how anyone could possibly break this rule.

  • obsession

    My wife said she’s leaving me because of my obsession with the Internet.
    Worse than that my son Google agrees with her.

  • excuses

    Having some alcohol- every woman’s excuse for wanting to get laid.

    Having a penis- every man’s excuse for wanting to get laid.

  • selfies

    Got a passcode lock that takes a picture whenever someone tries the wrong code to look in my phone.
    I now have fifty pictures of drunk me.

  • that’s why

    Boss : Could I see you in my office?
    Me: No, probably not. There are walls that separate our offices.

    and that’s why I’m here Mr. HR manager.