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  • Manippleation

    i pretend to be a plastic surgeon to talk girls into showing me their breast. some call it fraud I call it maNIPPLEation

  • How do I look

    Accidentally took a women’s multi
    vitamin and I’ve been trying to get
    dressed for the past 3 hours, but
    everything is making me look fat.

  • Attack

    It’s illegal to shine a laser pointer at a plane because a cat might attack it.

  • Waiting

    My doctor is concerned about my high blood pressure. I told him, next time, don’t leave me sitting in the waiting room for two hours.

  • Beer VS. Women

    A Beer is always wet, a woman is not….1 point for beer!
    Beer is horrible, when it is hot….1 point for women!
    A cold beer satisfies you….1 point for beer! For a beer, you pay taxes….1 point for women! If you drink a second beer, the first one doesn’t get angry….1 point for beer! You can always be sure that, you are the first one Opening a beer….1 point for beer! If you shake a beer, after a while it calms down by itself….1 point for beer! You know exactly how much a beer costs….1 point for beer! A beer does not have a mother….1 point for beer! A Beer won’t ask you to hug her for half an hour after having it….1 point for beer! So the Score is……Beer beats women 8 to 2 If you’re a guy, enjoy this message..If you are a woman reading this and getting angry, know that a beer would never get angry……1 point for beer

  • What social

    I love how we call it “social media” when 75% of us are either alone in our homes or on the toilet.

  • I was…

    Elementary School; “He told me to!”
    Middle School; “It was a dare!”
    High School; “I was drunk.”

  • Difference

    Husband’s in movies: “I know my dead wife would want me to move on & be happy.”

    My Husband: “I know my dead wife would come back to life & kill me if she knew I was happy.”

  • Jokes

    I don’t approve of political jokes.

    I’ve seen too many of them get elected.

  • Never included

    Mother battery: “all your friends are at the party across the street, why are you here?”
    Battery: “mum, we’re batteries, we’re never included”