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  • Only one

    Why don’t aliens visit our Solar System?
    They read the reviews – just one star.

  • Reason

    Putin has boasted that Russia is planning to build a base on the moon
    The idea is that astronauts will live there permanently. When they were asked if they really wanted to spend the rest of their lives in a barren, lifeless, empty landscape, the Russians said…
    “No. That’s why we want to go to the moon.”

  • Apparently there’s a new sex position called Parcel Force.
    You stay in all day and no one comes

  • My wife said, “You always come home in a bad mood…”
    “I can’t remember the last time you came home in a good mood.”
    I said, “That’s because you weren’t here.”

  • Can confirm

    What’s the smartest thing about people?
    their phones

  • Next year

    Putin visits Ukraine
    Immigration officer says: “Name?”. – “Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”.
    “Address?” – “Kremlin, Moscow, Russia”.
    “Occupation?” – “No, probably next year”.

  • My money

    I’m seriously thinking about re-marrying my ex-wife, but I’m pretty sure she’ll figure out I’m just after my money.

  • Cancel

    This year, my New Years resolution is to finally go to the gym…
    … and cancel that membership I’m been wasting money on every month since last year.

  • Do you understand me?

    My new year’s resolution is I’m going to be less condescending.
    And by the way, condescending means talking down to people.

  • The three life stages of sex
    Age 18-35: Tri-Weekly
    Age 35-60: Try Weekly
    Age 60-90: Try Weakly