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  • she got a text that said ” what are you doing ?” which she answered with ” probably failing my drivers test “

  • @ChrisNewton

    My wife phoned me and said I’m so excited, I just tried on my wedding dress and after 10 years it still fits.

    Of course it fits
    I replied You were 9 months pregnant when we were married.

  • My memory foam pillow is so old…..
    …That it was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

  • I think you are wrong.

    – In a scale 1 to 10, how much do you like to argue?
    – Would it be possible to make the scale from 1 to 20?
    – No
    – Why not?!

  • Not invited

    I received a wedding invitation.
    It read, “Your presence itself is a present. We don’t want any presents at the wedding.”

    After re-reading it repeatedly, I concluded that I was not invited. So I decided not to attend.

  • We should let Netflix run the next pandemic…

    …they don’t let anything last more than three seasons.

  • Pair of

    A husband and wife are having dinner at a fancy restaurant when a couple looking absolutely gorgeous walk in
    “What a pair!” says the wife

    “Yeah, the man doesn’t look too bad either” replied the husband

  • I just watched a beautiful naked woman do stand-up comedy.
    Never laughed so hard in my life.

  • Mixed signals

    She kept staring at my lips the whole time, so I kissed her.
    So long story short I’m learning sign language now.

  • Surprise

    I met a woman last week who said she wanted a guy who’s funny and spontaneous
    Yet when I tapped on the window late at night wearing a clown suit it was all panic and screaming.