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  • bruh

  • How is Shawarma in your city?

    I live in Hyderabad and shawarma here is a classic cheap Lebanese fusion. its usually rolled in either a samoli bun (french bun), rumali roti, or khubz. all these versions have the same flow, with salad and without salad. the salad ones are typically the b graded ones with kheera and shredded cabbage. that shit is horrible. like its bad when you get the bite of kheera, it destroys it. the kheera is not even de-seeded and its in a way dripping with water. the non-salad is just with extra chicken and a lot of mayo. talking about the mayo, it’s not even the classic garlic sauce, rather a typical mayo spread with a Lil garlic flavored. that’s it. if you ask for extra, the sauce bottles contain low-quality ketchup and the same mayo spread without the garlic. after they prepare your roll they either microwave the shawarma or just grill it on a Tava. this breaks the emulsification and the oil gets separated. all you have now is an oily roll bidding you farewell.there are places that do serve the classic ones with toum, tahini, pickled cucumbers, lettuce, and other authentic stuff. what I mentioned is what you get in a typical shawarma place. people love it for some reason. fuck em ?

  • a true karate kid must use all five senseis.

  • me_irl

  • Guide

  • My wife always has a headache when I come home from work. I asked her if I could help her get rid of it.

    She said, “Yes, leave the room.”

  • this world.. no classy girls left, just tick-tok iGirls, girls who “twerk” and wearing small garments, listening to rap music (aka crap music) and wasting they’re lives on instantgram. i wish i was born in the 1960s.

  • A “Restroom” is a Terrible Place to Sleep

  • Randomgroup has been created

    Put anything random memes jokes anything like that

  • Police were investigating a murder in Ten City…

    The victim was Andrew Pun, and the suspects were his family members. They were extremely wealthy, and had a pure blood line spanning out across multiple cities.The police began interrogating each sibling, guardian, and family friends. All of them had an alibi:Tommy Pun, Andrew’s little brother, said “I was playing with my big brothers phone when the police walked in, honest!”Sandra Pun, his mom, said with tears “Oh well I was just straightening up the house when I walked in Andy’s room to ask where his laundry was…”However, Andrew’s dad, Robert Pun, wasn’t happy that the relatives he lived with were being questioned. “I’m not having any of this! Why would his closest relatives kill ol’ Andrew?!”The police told him to calm down and asked Robert who he thinks did the crime.”Well I don’t know who did the crime, but how ’bout you go ask the Puns in Six City, because I sure as hell know that no Pun in Ten did!”