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  • A Priest and a Cowboy are walking in the desert

  • A policeman was interrogating 3 blondes who were training to become detectives.

    To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blonde a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”The first blonde answers, “That’s easy, we’ll catch him fast because he only has one eye!”The policeman says, “Well…uh…that’s because the picture shows his profile.”Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blonde and asks her, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?”The second blonde giggles, flips her hair and says, “Ha! He’d be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!”The policeman angrily responds, “What’s the matter with you two?!? Of course only one eye and one ear are SHOWING because it’s a picture of his profile!! Is that the best answer you can come up with?Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blonde and in a very testy voice asks, “This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?” He quickly adds” . . . think hard before giving me a stupid answer.”The blonde looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, “Hmmmm . . . the suspect wears contact lenses.”The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn’t know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. “Well, that’s an interesting answer . . . wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I’ll get back to you on that.”He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspect’s file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. “Wow! I can’t believe it…it’s TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?”

  • Just found out “cock fighting” is done with chickens…

    12 months of training wasted

  • Somewhere in Siberia

    Note: translated from another language(dirty)LongSiberia, it’s super cold,freezing, a man is crawling, struggling hard, he’s on a verge of death. Suddenly he sees a light not far out. Using his last bit of strength he reaches a small house. Knocks on a door. No answer. He opens the door, seeing nice fireplace and a family sitting next to a table having dinner. Husband, wife and their daughter in her 18s. He asks:Good evening,would you mind if I warm up next to your fireplace? I am freezing. No answer. So he sits next to the fireplace, warming up. He looks around, seeing lots of food on the table. Asks:would you mind good people if I have a bite with you?I am starving. No answer.So he digs in. Soon after full from such a lovely meal he sees lots of drink on the table. Vodka,wine, you name it. Asks:would you mind if I have a drink with you?I am thirsty. No answer. So he starts to drink.He gets super drunk. Looking at the daughter he says:yo girl, you are so hot, what would you says if we fool around a bit? No one says anything. So he fucks the daughter. Moments later, still horny he looks at the wife and says :yo mamma, you aren’t looking bad either, would you wanna have a good fuck? No reply whatsoever. So he fucks the wife.Not entirely satisfied, looks at the husband:yo bro,how about.. The husband stops him:Not me, not me!!! Suddenly the wife and daughter shout :You lost! Take out the trash!

  • Do you believe light behaves as a ? and a ? ??


  • Landed on the moon…..sort of. Lol.

  • Broke college student who wants to gain a lot of weight and muscle

    Hello everyone,I’m a college student and basically broke, I’m very underweight and get made fun of almost everywhere I go.It’s really embarrassing and I’ve decided to change things. Are there any cheap foods that I can eat on a daily basis that can help me gain weight?Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance.

  • Yo mama’s breath is so bad when she belches birds fall out of the sky

  • The Girlfriend of Nightmares

    So I recently moved into a new neighborhood and it’s a pretty nice area. After a couple of weeks, a moving truck pulls up and I realize there’s a new girl living in the house next to me. So I walk out and I notice that she’s all by herself. Being the good neighbor I am, I go up and ask, “Hey, I see you don’t have any help. Do you need any help with moving your boxes inside?” And keep this in mind, I’m like a 6/10 on good day while this girl is an easy 9/10. Like this girl can easily be a supermodel. So I ask if she needs any help and she looks me dead in the eye with the nastiest grimace on her face and says, “Uh… No thanks, I’m good.” “Well ok. No problem. If you need anything, just give a little knock on the door and I’ll come out.” So a couple days go by after that failed attempt and this girl’s dumb, small chihuahua jumps over the fence and gets into my yard. So I’m thinking, “Ok cranky girl. Round 2, let’s go, we got this.” So I take the dumb dog and I bring it over to her house and give the door a knock. She opens the door and with the biggest smile says, “OH MY GOD thank you SO MUCH! I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s like family to me. I’m so sorry that I was so mean to you the other day. I was having a bad day and took it out on you and I’m so sorry. Please let me make it up to you and take you out to dinner.” So I humbly accept and we end up going out to dinner that night. Now, we don’t have much in common. Like, I’m into video games and anime and she’s into all this white girl stuff like makeup, Starbucks, and all that other shit. But, we have a good time. And I mean, this girl is WAY out of my league so who am I to complain? So then we hang out more frequently, I visit her and she visits me and now I’m in a good relationship with this extremely hot chick. A couple weeks go by, we continue this, and I see a moving truck come in from the other direction. I go out to greet the new neighbor and I see a cute girl come out of the moving truck. Now this girl is cute. She isn’t supermodel hot, but she’s cute. I would say she’s like a 7/10. So I go up to her and say, “Hey, I see you don’t have any help with moving your stuff in. Is it ok if I help?” Luckily, she says, “Yeah, sure. Um, take this box and put it in the living room. It’s the first room to the right, you can’t miss it.” So I go to pick up the box and I realize that it’s labeled “Video Games.” The box wasn’t taped very well, so I peek into the box and I’m seeing some serious video games. I’m seeing Final Fantasy 7-9 black label, a mint copy of Illusion of Gaia. Like, what girl even knows what that game is!? So I ask, “Hey, is this a box of your boyfriend’s stuff?” and she responds with, “No, I don’t have a boyfriend. That stuff’s mine so make sure not to drop it.” So now I know this girl is actually the coolest girl ever. So I help the girl move her stuff in and we hang out afterwards. We go out to lunch and we hit it off. We ended up just talking about video games the whole time and it was amazing. Now I have a friend to talk nerd shit with and don’t forget, she’s a cute as hell 7/10. And I also have this 9/10 girlfriend with me. And again, I’m just a 6/10 so right now, I’m living the dream. So a couple weeks go by and my girlfriend comes up to me and says, “Hey, so this may sound weird, but I don’t want you to hang out with that girl anymore. You’re spending a lot of time with her and I’m honestly a little jealous and I want you to spend more time with me.” I tell her, “Well listen, why don’t you try to talk to her. If you like me, then you’ll like her and then we can all hang out and it’ll be great.” She says, “Well…alright. I guess I’ll give it a shot. I’ll try to talk to her tomorrow So next day, my girlfriend comes up to me and says, “Uh, yeah you can’t see that girl ever again.” “Wait, what? Why not? What happened?” “Yeah she told me that you’re hers now and if I ever go near you again, she is going to kill me.” “I think you’re overreacting a little bit. She doesn’t seem like that type of person” “She told me, and I quote, that she is going to fucking murder me.” “I can’t imagine that it’s that serious. I’ll try to straighten this out and go talk to her tomorrow.” I go up to 7/10’s house the next day and give it a little knock on the door but nobody answers. I try the doorbell, nothing. Give her a call, text her, no answer. So then I call my girlfriend, try to tell her that she wasn’t there and I’ll try again tomorrow. But again, no answer. So I go over to her house, knock on the door and still no answer. Next day knock* knock* no answer and I don’t know what’s going on.

  • No beer in Heaven

    Old Lenard had passed away and was being buried. Just as the coffin was being lowered into the ground a friend tossed a handful of coins into the hole. The priest had never seen this before. After the ceremony he asked the man what the meaning was, throwing money onto the coffin. – Oh, it’s just so he can get a few beers when he arrives, answered the friend. – But there’s no beer where he’s going, the priest argued. – Well, then Lenard won’t be there long