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  • @MO

    My mates call me stingy, so I decided to buy them a beer.

    Turns out, they wanted 1 each.

  • @Маке

    Anything is possible. Tenderly, gently and a little trotil.

  • @dubeykeebler

    My wife was scrolling through Twitter and says, “wow, some people are fucking idiots!”

    I replied, “I know, I’m one of them”

  • @Jeep

    My boss pays me just enough so that he knows I won’t quit, so I do just enough work so that I know he won’t fire me.

  • @fornicatesanimals

    A friend’s mother gave me a Blowjob.
    I didn’t think I’d be blowing up balloons for his party.

  • @AnalysisFrequent

    A man called his twin brother from prison.
    A man called his twin brother from prison.

    “Hey remember when we were kids and use to finish each other’s sentences?”

  • @Gizmo

    What’s the difference between Sex, and Hide & Seek?

    With Hide & Seek I can count to ten before I shout, “I’m coming, ready or not”

  • @rucyanya

    Extrovert: It’s a pleasure to meet you.

    Introvert: It’s a pressure to meet you.

  • @Organic_Nectarine508

    I just walked into a restaurant.
    They asked if I had any reservations.
    I said yes, I heard the reviews were shit.

  • @Jeep

    Today I was thinking that I needed a break from life, then it dawned on me that life is fine, I need a break from stupid people.