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  • @woodyloco

    – “Babe are you mad?”
    – “Yes! I’m going to explain to you why so you can solve it and this won’t repeat itself!”
    – *said no woman ever*

  • @woodyloco

    Wife – “You said you weren’t going to drink more!”
    Me – “I’m not. I’m going to drink the same like before.”

  • @supernurse

    All my life, I never imagined I’d wake up at 6am and go jogging…..
    …..And I was right.

  • @Gizmo

    I love watching Women’s Heavyweight Boxing…
    It’s hilarious to see them fight back the tears when the announcer tells everyone their weight.

  • @Jeep

    The older I get, the more I understand why Noah only allowed animals on his boat.

  • @OwenJthomas89

    My new year’s resolution for 2023
    Is to accomplish the goals of 2022 which I should have done in 2021 because I promised them in 2020 and planned them in 2019

  • @ChrisNewton

    I know im early but i suffer from premature congratulation.

  • @Strype

    I went out for a few beers with my mates at lunchtime on Christmas Eve and didn’t get back until this afternoon…

    When I arrived home my wife was really upset and screaming something about her Christmas being totally ruined…

    Well it can’t have been me who ruined it for her, I wasn’t even there.

  • @Ochib

    I bought a Russian advent calendar.
    Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.

  • @MO

    When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, it took my breath away?

    I’ve never run so fast.