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  • warning

    My favorite bumper sticker: “If you can read this, I can slam on my breaks and sue you.”

  • а finger

    My blonde secretary had to take down a lot of notes, so I told her she could use my Dictaphone. She said, “No, thanks. I’ll use my finger.”

  • advice

    Be yourself.
    Unless you want to be with me. Then be what I want. At the exact moment that I want it.
    – All women

  • what to do

    After spending every spare minute of the last ten years trying to perfect my cloning machine, I finally cracked it last night.

    Now I don’t know what to do with myself.

  • smudge

    Now that most computers have touchscreens, websites should make their advertising links look like smudges.

  • fb

    “People should just mind their own business,” probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read on a social networking site.

  • song

    “Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bite you take, I’ll be watching you.”
    -The Dog

  • revenge

    A bird shat on my arm. So naturally I wiped it off with a piece of bread and fed it to the bastard. Check mate mother fucker.

  • per

    The sight of a woman’s cleavage reduces a man’s ability to think clearly by 50%

    Per boob.

  • name

    I put “your name” on my paper and when the teacher said “who put your name on their paper?” everybody raised their hands.