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  • magnet

    We call her magnet because she attractive from the back and repulsive from the front.

  • snail

    A snail can travel over a razor blade without cutting itself.
    Or to put it another way, sometimes scientists get bored.

  • they forgot my diet coke


  • i`m much more interesting on the internet


  • tha last night i…

    The best moments in life are the ones you can’t put on Facebook

  • bad man

    I’m atheist… But I still want the people I hate to burn in hell.

  • long time to finish

    Having sex with a condom is a lot like eating Cheerios with chopsticks. I’m still going to enjoy it but its going to take me a really long time to finish.

  • your life/wife

    One million copies of a new book sold in just 2 days due to typing error of one alphabet in title “An idea, that can change your wife’..

  • delete history

    I wish my computer would stop asking me stupid questions. Of course I’m sure I want to clear my browser history.

  • drunk forever

    Kid:Daddy why did you and mommy divorce?
    Dad:Well your mother couldn’t keep me drunk forever…