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  • @beanyboy41

    Apparently, if you type erectile dysfunction into google…. Nothing comes up

  • @Jokester

    What if, instead of Cinderella being a cleaning slave, she was a cooking slave and her name was Mozzarella?

  • @NJ

    I don’t work well under pressure or under any other circumstances.

  • @Gizmo

    The day my wife died, I felt the worst pain I ever felt in my entire life.

    I somehow shot myself in the eye when I popped the champagne cork.

  • @MO

    A Canadian visiting America gets held up at gunpoint. “Give me all your money and I’ll let you live.

    The Canadian replies gleefully, “Oh! You must be what they call doctor.”

  • @Rob

    McDonald’s just came out with a new burger called the McBiden, when you order it the person behind you has to pay for it..

  • Sexcurity camera

    I caught my coworker watching porn during our meeting

    He said this is his home security camera

  • How to make meetings shorter

  • @James

  • @Mrs

    October is eczema awareness month. I’m raising money….

    by selling scratch cards