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  • Onion rings are Vegetarian donuts

  • I lost my Pizza cutter so I used my Bryan Adams Cd..
    Cuts Like a Knife

  • Tequila: Liquid that won’t change your life but it’s worth a shot.

  • Doctor : at first glance it appears that you have a gunshot wound to the chest, but we’ll have to run a Covid test to be sure…

  • I exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what the hell I’m doing

  • Does anyone know a cure for sex addiction?
    I’ve tried fucking everything

  • I got arrested for downloading the whole Wikipedia.
    I told them I could explain everything.

  • Two men are robbing a liquor store…
    One says, ‘Is this whisky?’

    ‘Yes’, the other replies, ‘but not as whisky was wobbing a bank’

  • Doctors advice

    My doctor told me I have to give up half my sex life.
    I asked which half, thinking about it or talking about it?

  • Playing doctors and nurses with the wife in the bedroom last night didn’t go very well.
    Especially when I diagnosed her as clinically obese.