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  • modern

    Me at art gallery : I suppose this horrible looking thing is what you call modern art.
    Art dealer : I beg your pardon Sir, that’s a mirror ..

  • do you have an opinion?

    Opinions are like orgasms. Mine’s more important and I dont care if you have one.

  • choose

    There are two ways to avoid hangovers:
    1* Don’t drink
    2* Don’t stop

  • secret

    You know what Victoria’s Secret is.. Over charging you for a tiny piece of fabric that can be pushed aside by a tongue.

  • hate

    I hate people who claim to be helping me but then steal my money !

    Bloody bank !

  • the future

    My art teacher told us to draw what the future would look like. Everyone drew flying cars and spaceships. I drew a shell gas station with $15.00 a gallon.

  • eden

    My new pool boy obviously hasn’t watched enough porn to know the real reason I hired him.

  • O, shit…

    My grandad asked me what I wanted for my birthday so I told him a ship in a bottle… Shame his hearing is getting bad.

  • cheers

    Here’s to our wives and girlfriends!…..
    may they never meet!

  • advice

    To my future kids:
    You are gonna start out with a flip phone,I don’t care if the Galaxy S10 is out,you are gonna know the struggle.