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  • camouflage

    What if aliens designed their spaceships to look like airplanes?

  • send by vde

    It took 4 days to create the Earth and only 1 day to create every other galaxy (Bible calls them stars). That is why there is no life anywhere else.

  • too serious

    I was in a serious relationship once. We never even smiled.

  • if you know what i mean

    I’ve been called sugar, pumpkin, honey, cupcake, sweets…all kinds of damn food. I’m a girl, dammit. Eat me.

  • fart control


  • they want…

    “Siri, what do women want?”
    She hasn’t shut up in 3 days.

  • Friday night

    It’s that time of the evening where my beer bottle has magically turned into a microphone again…

  • anything

    They told me I could be anything, so I became a submarine.

    – Titanic

  • example

    My son asked me what was like to be married…

    So I deleted all the songs on his ipod and left only one.. that should give him a pretty good idea.

  • surprise

    Today Arnold Schwarzenegger turned 66 and his family threw him a party and when he walked in they shouted “Surprise!” his
    “Another maid is pregnant?”