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  • f5

    I want to make a drink named F5…

    Cause it will be refreshing.

  • advice

    Dear Microsoft, If you had called it “Bang” instead of “Bing,” you’d have destroyed Google. Example: I banged Sofia Vergara last night.

  • difference

    Girls: Age 14, Look 18, Act 21
    Guys: Age 21, Look 18, Act 14

  • old fashioned

    people who still call radio stations to request songs are the same people who still update their MySpace profiles

  • except

    saw this girl the other day… She’s so beautiful it’s like in heaven above gaved her everything… well except my phone number

  • follow

    -so… where were do you wanna go?
    – don’t speak, just follow your heart.
    – come on dude be serious or get out of my taxi.

  • witch

    Last Halloween I shouted to the wife “Baby there’s at witch the door, what should I do?”
    She shouted “Give her some candy and tell her to fuck off!”

    My mother in law hasn’t spoken to me since.

  • difference

    DATING: “Oh, you’re so funny! I just love a man with a great sense of humor! ”

    RELATIONSHIP: “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Is everything a fucking joke to you?! “

  • now?

    Do you guys ever get a shooting pain across your body, like someone has a voodoo doll of you and they’re stabbing it?

    How about now??

  • fact

    You know you’re ugly when it comes to a group picture and they hand you the camera.