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  • real psych

    I called the psychic hotline by mistake tonight.

    A woman answered and said, “Don’t worry, your pizza is on its way.”

  • victim

    Seriously, how can it be considered stealing when my neighbour’s WiFi signal was trespassing in MY house? I’m the victim here!

  • go to study

    Asian kid: My blood test came back. Im B-

    Asian parent: Go to room & study til blood is A+

  • fun

    F is for friends who do stuff without you.
    U is for ur alone.
    N is for no one wants to be with you because all you do is sit at home.

  • secret

    Victoria’s Secret?

    You’ll never look like the girls in the ads.

  • hairy

    Just how hairy was the guy, who invented the shampoo “Head n Shoulders”?

  • keep up

    Boss: “You’re not suppose to be drinking on the job!”
    Me: “You’re not suppose to cheat on your wife.”
    Boss: “Keep up the good work”

  • stop

    Quit quoting me, girls. I was a whore. Not a philosopher!
    – Marilyn Monroe

  • to them

    Her: excuse me I’m up here.
    Me: excuse me i was talking to your boobs.

  • wondering

    sometimes I spend entire meetings wondering how they get the big meeting table through the door