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  • Concentrate

    Snooker table is the coolest table for men.
    It teaches them how to play with the balls and concentrate on many holes using a single stick!

  • wave

    They say money talks, mine just waves goodbye.

  • downside

    I was making a sandwich when I thought to myself,

    “So, there is a downside to divorce”.

  • coincidence

    This morning my wife woke me up with a nudge.

    “Oh God,” she said, “I’ve just had a horrible nightmare.”
    “Oh no,” I replied cuddling her, “I was just having the best dream, I wish you could have had it instead. What was your nightmare about?” “Ah, that’s sweet, I had this horrible vision that my mother was being burned alive. What was your dream about?” “What an unbelievable coincidence…” I replied.

  • etiquette

    how long after arriving at someone’s house is it appropriate to ask the wifi password

  • lazy

    My apartment is full of Valentine’s Day cards.

    I’m not that popular, I’m just a really lazy mail man!

  • good

    My wife asked what I wanted for Valentine’s Day. I said I wanted a blowjob. She’s all, “no silly, something I can buy you.” So I asked for a good blowjob.

  • valentine

    I said to this girl, “Will you be my valentine?”
    “Talk to the hand,” she replied.
    “I did,” I said, “but he’s tired of being my date every year.”

  • cheating

    The garbage man is late.

    I think he’s been cheating on me with some other piece of trash.

  • so tired?

    Ever been so tired at work that people thought you were drunk?
    I hope so because thats the only excuse I have for being drunk at work.