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  • Like

    wine is like a laxative for feelings

  • Worth

    If someone needs to watch a flight attendant demonstrate how to fasten a seatbelt, is their life really worth saving?

  • Fact

    Did you know:
    The average woman spends a year of her life deciding what to where.

  • Cards

    “Do you accept cards as payment?” I asked the lad in the takeaway.
    “Of course, Sir”, he replied, smiling.
    “Great”, I replied, “this one is an old birthday card.”

  • Not husband

    Wife:dear,this computer is not working as per my command.
    Husband:its a computer not a husband……!!!

  • Or…

    Man: You look pretty today.
    Woman: Did I look bad yesterday? It was my hair wasn’t it? You think I’m fat.

  • So far

    I hate how Monday is so far away from Friday but then Friday is so close to monday.

  • More than..

    I’m going to a gay bar tonight. I’m not gay.  I just wanna be in a bar where I can boast that I have fucked more women than anyone else there.

  • Have fun

    Having sex without taking your clothes off is the most fun you can have without taking your clothes off.

  • Regret

    Do I regret is? Yes.
    Would I do it again? Probably.
    – A summary of most of my decisions.