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  • Jokester

    Make it awkward today by asking people what they did for Valentine’s day.
    When they answer, “dinner”, you should say, “No…after that.”

  • Just sayin’

    The phrase “until death do us part” was invented when the average lifespan was 35 years.

  • Neither me

    Cop: Sir, are you drunk?
    Me: No, occifer.
    Cop: Step out of the car and say the alphabet backwards, please.
    Me: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
    Cop: I’m impressed, I couldn’t do that sober. Me: Me neither.

  • Re-printe


  • East-West


  • Goog hiding


  • Empty is suspicious

    After clearing your browser history there should be a button that makes a new history filled with regular websites instead of having it be all empty

  • My opinion

    Opinions are like orgasms. Mine is the most important and I really couldn’t care less about yours.

  • Fact

    Why do we call it “losing your virginity”?
    Who loses it? Most of us don’t go looking for it after its gone.

  • Until

    You haven’t seen a woman overreact until you tell her she is overreacting