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  • What do you call when a brothel offers a discount?

  • I’m currently in a love triangle
    I like this girl, this girl likes nobody, and nobody likes me.

  • I’m beginning to think that when you call customer service there’s never a time when they aren’t “experiencing higher than normal call volumes”

  • Switching my wife’s life support machine off was very difficult.

    You try and fight off two doctors, a nurse and a security guard.

  • Woke up with a massive hardon this morning . Pissed it away !

  • Miracle

    Guys I need your help desperately. I’m in the middle of a huge argument with my wife and she just told me I’m right !!!
    What do I do next?

  • For our holiday I told my wife I had booked a trip around the world

    “Can’t we go somewhere else ” she said

  • – I’m your secret admirer.
    – Why is it secret?
    – My wife doesn’t have to find out.

  • I went to the hospital to solve the problem with hemorrhoids, but they could not help me. It is necessary to wait normally for a doctor; otherwise, the patients in the queue are completely incompetent.

  • To the genius who invented one ply toilet paper…

    I’d like to shake your hand.