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  • I’m still waiting…for the boze at least

    When I was a kid, I was told that bad people would come up to me on the street and offer me drugs, booze, and sex.
    So where the fuck are these people?

  • @ChrisNewton

    They say that the average man ejaculates at 20mph.
    I’m clearly not average then…
    My new girlfriend has been with a lot of guys and according to her, I definitely cum much quicker than all of them!

  • Bring cheese

  • boys will be boys

  • Her home

    As my daughter was walking out the door to go on her first date, in my best grumpy old tough guy dad voice, I growled, “I want her home before midnight.” The boy she was going with stopped dead in his tracks, turned slowly around and with wide eyes replied….
    “But you already own her home!”

  • Raise your right foot


  • Amazing universe

  • News

    My wife and I have an open relationship. Found out last night.

  • @Alex94

    Took grandma to a Chinese restaurant yesterday. She used her chopsticks to knit a sweater out of her noodles.

  • @Mo

    Me: “When I die, I want to die making love.”
    Wife: “At least it will be a very quick death.”