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  • I bought my wife a nutcracker for Christmas

    I figure after all these years breaking my balls manually she deserves it

  • Black Ark Fleetmaster and Lokhir. is the best Fleetmaster in the game. He is supposed to be the captain of his black ark. just got captains of black arks and they act pretty much like a lord.I would suggest that these new lords become full lords as fleetmasters and lokhir becomes the grand fleetmaster.only fleetmasters can command a black ark.Fleet masters can enter and leave a black ark.If there is no fleetmaster in a black ark then you get the old pre buff black ark commander for defence and offence.Imagine being able to play as lokhir and actually commanding the blessed dread!?Edit:

  • This has been the best day as a 15 year old

    It is also my birthday

  • A race against time!

    Chuck Norris once had a race with time.And who won?Well, time is still running, isn’t it?

  • When you click on clickbait…

    They had us in the first half, I’m not gonna lie.

  • Two midgets were having a discussion one night about their ever dwindling memories of the last time they had sex.

    They came to a unanimous decision that they would pay a visit to a couple of prostitutes at a local whorehouse they had found out about.They arrived at the whorehouse later on that night and each made their choices of prostitute and then headed off with their ladies of the night into two bedrooms which were situated next door to each other.The first midget, John, hurriedly stripped off all of his clothes as there was no time to waste. Unfortunately he encountered a problem, he was unable to get an erection. The prostitute did everything she was capable of to rectify the problem, but nothing would work!To make matters worse, all he could hear from his mate Gary next door, was one-two-three uhh, one-two-three uhh all night long.The next morning after an unsuccessful night John left the room, as he did so he bumped into Gary leaving his room.” What kind of night did you have ? ” John asked Gary ” I don’t want to talk about it “ Gary replied angrily “ What are you so upset about, I couldn’t get a hard-on all night “ John replied “ A hard on? ” said Gary, ” I couldn’t even get on the damn bed! “

  • Adamakıllı kâfiye bulamadım :/

  • I saw two guys wearing matching outfits and I asked if they were a couple…

    they arrested me !

  • Fanart for one of my favorites (and my winner pick) this season! Hope he gets a second chance, he was robbed as heck!

  • Fighter subclass – The Weapons and Armor Master (Exotic Weapons included + Bonus Ghost-Faced Killer subclass)

    Weapons and Armor MasterExotic WeaponsGreetings players and DMs! I have here some updates to a subclass for the Fighter. You’ll also see another subclass included, the Ghost-Faced Killer. Feel free to comment on that as well.This subclass also utilizes Exotic Weapons, therefor I have created an Exotic Weapons table as well. Exotic Weapons all have the Special property, which gives them more uses in combat and attempts to separate them from PHB weapons. All Exotic Weapons exist already in the game in some form or another, mostly as weapons wielded by monsters. However, this class does leans on these weapons existing in the campaign, and they require proficiency to use to their full potential.Looking for your input, feedback, and constructive criticism regarding these options! Thanks!