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  • Was in a room full of people and the dog walked up and sat right next to me!!!

    Sadly, I was at the airport and it was a drug dog.

  • A father and son went jogging together

    Suddenly, the father had a heart attack.His last words were, “I had a good run.”

  • Sometimes I worry I need to be more productive.

    But then I think, “who am I to tell me what to do?”

  • I am a type of fish that becomes SO loud in Sweden. Who am I?


  • A dog is not just for christmas

    It can do for sandwiches on boxing day too.

  • Dr – “I’m sorry sir, I’m going to have to advise you to stop Masterbating…

    Man – “but why doctor?”Dr – “Because I’m trying to examine you”

  • What do you eat after a presidential christmas dinner?

    Impeach cobbler

  • Two government officials go on a diplomatic tour.

    One night, they are invited to a dinner with several other officials from different countries. Having arrived at the dinner, the two officials see that the dinner tables are arranged with exquisite cutlery. They all sit down and start having dinner. During dinner, official X sees official Y hiding one of the forks inside his jacket when no one is looking. After the dinner, diplomats from all the countries are asked to do a performance based on the traditions of their countries. Some sang, some danced. Finally, the turn came to X and Y. X gets up and says “For our performance, I will do a traditional magic trick from our country. I will disappear this fork inside my jacket and retrieve it from my colleague’s jacket” He picks up a fork, puts it inside his jacket, and extends his hand towards Y. Y smiles nervously and reaches into his jacket and places the fork in the table. The crowd is amazed from the trick. After the event, several officials come to Y and say “Wow! That guy X’s performance is amazing. Our performances don’t even have a chance”Y: with a sour tone “Yeah, the bastard never even gave me the chance to get out of here before taking it himself.”

  • Help!!! My stoneblock 2 world has some issues

    Basically, I had a base in the mining dimension. Today, after logging on, the world was gone but it was in the saves. So I made a new world, but found myself back in the dimension with purely stone. I went to the bedrock then got tp’ed to the end then went back down to the bedrock in the end and got to the dimension with purely stone. I’m guessing like some update made the mining dimension go poof but if anyone knows please help

  • Do boys get turned on when a girl sits on their lap?

    Had to find out the hard way